A bit different bokken from old school, Ono-Ha Itto Ryu Bokken was made from heavy and quality hornbeam wood, I make it acording to original japanese bokken. If you need more info or questions just send me e-mail.
Here isone of myideas, because I saw thatsomemembers of theKoryucommunitypreferto customize theirbokken, personallyI do not knowmuchabout thisstyle,butanyadditionalinformationiswelcome, if you knowmoreabout it feel free topass the infoand I willpublish.
This formis notonlyrelated toKatorischool (I think),but sometimes could beseen onsomeNihontokoshirae as well. Suburito was made from european heavy oak, is oiled and as you could see it have beautiful look.
Here is picture's of another Kashima Shin Ryu bokken which is made from hornbeam wood. Like last one, this is also made by original dimensions, but with even more perfection in finishing, hope that you will like it, and that you will see difference on this photos. It is possible to make you custom Kashima Shin bokken in many ways, wood choice, weight choice and also by different dimensions.
in this pictureyou cansee that theTsubais madeby laminatingthree pieces of wood, which preventsany kind ofdamage. Factthat thelamination isdonesimilarlyas withplywood, which meansthat thefibers onthe middle layerdisposed transversely withrelatio tothe outerlayer, this requirestoTsubamustadditionally driedfor another month, becausecross-laidlayers ofwoodreactsdifferentlyandafter a month,finalcorrectionis neededto obtain astabletsuba.
asyou can seein the picture below, Tsubafitsreal tightandprecise, so thattsubadomeis not required,butyou canput it on just for decoration
Here is another Jikishinkage Ryu bokken from heavy and hard red beech tree, it is made by original dimensions from Japan maker. If you are interested it could be custom made from any wood species or to your dimensions and weight, also it could be hand engraved by burning or carving.